Berkeley Grammar School Education Fund (PDF, 63 Kb)
Berkeley Grammar School Education Fund
Students are invited to apply to the Berkeley Grammar School Educational Fund Charity for a small grant to assist them in the purchase of equipment or text books for their course in Tertiary (Higher/Further) Education.
Berkeley Grammar School Educational Fund
Have you just completed your A Levels? Are you about to start Higher Education?
If you also live within the Berkeley Parishes you may be able to apply for a small grant to help with the cost of your study materials.
This small Charity has been in existence in various forms, for well over 100 years.
Nowadays it is run by representatives of the local Berkeley parishes and councils, and distributes small grants to individuals (and sometimes) organisations with an educational link to those parishes.
The Essential criteria for individual eligibility are:
Home Residence in one of the five parishes (Alkington; Berkeley; Hamfallow; Ham and Stone; Hinton.) AND the applicant is embarked on a course of further or higher education after state funded education.
Other criteria:
Preferably attendance at a state school within those parishes (or a local secondary school) for at least 3 years.
Once eligibility is confirmed then grants are looked at on a merit to merit case.
Meetings are held just once a year in December and applications are normally decided upon then. All applications are treated with discretion and in confidence.
Acknowledgement of receipt of a grant, and details of what it is spent on is always required.
To apply please contact the clerk for an application form:
Mrs Susan Watson
Applications should be made by the student themselves (except in cases of disability when a representative may apply on their behalf if necessary)
Name, Address and Phone Number, plus details of eligibility as well as information as to how any grant is to be spent, is required.